Source code for placement

# Part of Open eObs. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Shows all :class:`patients<base.nh_clinical_patient>` pending a
:class:`placement<operations.nh_clinical_patient_placement>` in a
:class:`bed location<base.nh_clinical_location>`.
from openerp.osv import orm, fields
import logging

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class nh_clinical_placement(orm.Model): """ Extends :class:`activity<activity.nh_activity>` to create placement activities, showing all :class:`placements<operations.nh_clinical_patient_placement>` activities still pending. i.e. not `completed` or `cancelled`. These will be :class:`patients<base.nh_clinical_patient>` waiting to be 'placed' in a :class:`bed location<base.nh_clinical_location>`. """ _name = "nh.clinical.placement" _inherits = {'nh.activity': 'activity_id'} _description = "Placement View" _auto = False _table = "nh_clinical_placement" _columns = { 'activity_id': fields.many2one('nh.activity', 'Activity', required=1, ondelete='restrict'), 'location_id': fields.many2one('nh.clinical.location', 'Ward'), 'pos_id': fields.many2one('nh.clinical.pos', 'POS'), 'patient_id': fields.many2one('nh.clinical.patient', 'Patient'), 'hospital_number': fields.text('Hospital Number'), 'nhs_number': fields.text('NHS Number') } def init(self, cr): cr.execute(""" drop view if exists %s cascade; create or replace view %s as ( select as id, as activity_id, activity.location_id as location_id, activity.patient_id as patient_id, activity.pos_id as pos_id, patient.other_identifier as hospital_number, patient.patient_identifier as nhs_number from nh_activity activity inner join nh_clinical_patient patient on activity.patient_id = where activity.data_model = 'nh.clinical.patient.placement' and activity.state not in ('completed','cancelled') ) """ % (self._table, self._table))
[docs] def complete(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ Extends :meth:`complete()<activity.nh_activity.complete>` to place a :class:`patient<base.nh_clinical_patient>` in a bed :class:`location<base.nh_clinical_location>`. :param ids: ids of placement :type ids: list :returns: an action to present a form view of :class:`placement<operations.nh_clinical_patient>` :rtype: dict """ placement = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context) model_data_pool = self.pool[''] model_data_ids = cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'view_patient_placement_complete')], context=context) if not model_data_ids: pass view_id = cr, uid, model_data_ids, ['res_id'], context)[0]['res_id'] return { 'name': 'Patient Placement', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'res_model': 'nh.clinical.patient.placement', 'view_mode': 'form', 'view_type': 'form', 'res_id':, 'target': 'new', 'view_id': int(view_id), 'context': context }