Source code for overdue

# Part of Open eObs. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Defines :class:`overdue<nh_clinical_overdue>` and
:class:`doctors activities<nh_clinical_doctor_activities>`.
from openerp.osv import orm, fields
import logging

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class nh_clinical_overdue(orm.Model): """ Extends :class:`activity<activity.nh_activity>` to create overdue activities used by view overdue_view.xml Includes fields ``delay_string`` to record time overdue and ``user_name`` to record user the activity is assigned to. """ _name = "nh.clinical.overdue" _inherits = {'nh.activity': 'activity_id'} _description = "Overdue Activities View" _auto = False _table = "nh_clinical_overdue" _states = [('new', 'New'), ('scheduled', 'Scheduled'), ('started', 'Started'), ('completed', 'Completed'), ('cancelled', 'Cancelled')] _columns = { 'activity_id': fields.many2one('nh.activity', 'Activity', required=1, ondelete='restrict'), 'name': fields.char('Activity Name', size=100), 'delay': fields.integer('Delay'), 'delay_string': fields.char('Overdue Time', size=100), 'location': fields.char('Location', size=100), 'parent_location': fields.char('Parent Location', size=100), 'patient_name': fields.char('Patient Name', size=100), 'nhs_number': fields.char('NHS Number', size=100), 'user_name': fields.char('Assigned to', size=100), 'state': fields.selection(_states, 'State'), 'groups': fields.text('Doable By') } def init(self, cr): # TODO: EOBS-695: Refactor Overdue Tasks to use groups that can access # activity instead of looking at activity data model cr.execute(""" drop view if exists %s; create or replace view %s as ( with activity as ( select as id, case when activity.data_model != 'nh.clinical.patient.placement' then else end as activity_id, activity.summary as name, as location, as parent_location, coalesce(patient.family_name, '') || ', ' || coalesce(patient.given_name, '') || ' ' || coalesce(patient.middle_names,'') as patient_name, patient.patient_identifier as nhs_number, as user_name, activity.state as state, now() at time zone 'UTC' - coalesce( activity.date_scheduled,activity.date_deadline) as delay_interval, case when strpos(activity.data_model, 'hca') != 0 then 'HCA' when strpos(activity.data_model, 'doctor') != 0 then 'Doctor' when strpos(activity.data_model, 'notification') != 0 then 'Nurse' when strpos(activity.data_model, 'observation') != 0 then 'HCA, Nurse' else 'Shift Coordinator' end as groups from nh_activity activity inner join nh_clinical_patient patient on activity.patient_id = inner join nh_clinical_location location on activity.location_id = inner join nh_clinical_location parent_location on location.parent_id = left join res_users u on activity.user_id = left join res_partner partner on u.partner_id = left join nh_activity spell on spell.data_model = 'nh.clinical.spell' and spell.patient_id = activity.patient_id where activity.state not in ('completed','cancelled') and activity.data_model != 'nh.clinical.spell' and spell.state = 'started' ) select id, activity_id, name, location, parent_location, patient_name, nhs_number, user_name, state, case when extract(epoch from delay_interval) > 0 then case when extract(days from delay_interval) > 0 then extract(days from delay_interval) || ' day(s) ' else '' end || to_char(delay_interval, 'HH24:MI') else '' end as delay_string, case when extract(epoch from delay_interval) > 0 then(extract(epoch from delay_interval)/60)::int else 0 end as delay, groups from activity order by delay ) """ % (self._table, self._table))
[docs]class nh_clinical_doctor_activities(orm.Model): """ Extends :class:`activity<activity.nh_activity>` to create doctor activities used by view `Doctor Tasks`. Shows all :class:`doctor assessment <notifications.nh_clinical_notification_doctor_assessment>` activities still pending. i.e. not `completed` or `cancelled`. """ _name = "nh.clinical.doctor_activities" _inherits = {'nh.activity': 'activity_id'} _description = "Doctor Activities View" _auto = False _table = "nh_clinical_doctor_activities" _columns = { 'activity_id': fields.many2one('nh.activity', 'Activity', required=1, ondelete='restrict'), 'summary': fields.text('Summary'), 'location': fields.text('Location'), } def init(self, cr): # TODO EOBS-682: Refactor Doctor Tasks SQL to show tasks assigned to # doctors on ward cr.execute(""" drop view if exists %s; create or replace view %s as ( select as id, as activity_id, activity.summary as summary, || ' (' || || ')' as location from nh_activity activity inner join nh_clinical_patient patient on activity.patient_id = inner join nh_clinical_location location on activity.location_id = inner join nh_clinical_location parent_location on location.parent_id = left join nh_activity spell on spell.data_model = 'nh.clinical.spell' and spell.patient_id = activity.patient_id where activity.state not in ('completed','cancelled') and activity.data_model = 'nh.clinical.notification.doctor_assessment' and spell.state = 'started' ) """ % (self._table, self._table))